Master the keys: the power of fast typing

written by Idriss Douiri

updated on

3 min read

master your keyboard hero image

In today’s digital world, where every second counts, the ability to write fast with your keyboard can really make a difference.

The Benifits of Fast typing

Fast typing is a skill that can be easily acquired and save a lot of time. By mastering this skill, you can focus more on the important stuff while letting your fingers do the rest. It can also improve your health by ensuring proper posture.

How to learn Fast Typing

test your current speed

Measure your typing speed consistently to keep track of your progress and stay motivated. Set goals for yourself and aim to surpass the average speed of 40 words per minute (wpm).

Master touch typing

Touch typing is a technique that involves using all your ten fingers to type without looking at the keyboard to build muscle memory for each key location.

To start, place your index fingers on f and j, you can feel that little bump in order to easily find them. Now spread your fingers on the home row by putting your left hand on asdf and your right hand on jkl;, this middle row is your home row, return to it after each keystroke.

colored keys

Aim for Accuracy, Not speed

Initially, focus on typing accurately rather than quickly. Rushing through typing can lead to errors, slowing you down as you backtrack to correct them. As you develop muscle memory and proficiency, speed will naturally improve

Use Short Cuts

Juming from the keyboard to the mouse can slow your typing. You can avoid that by using shortcuts to perform simple and repetitive actions that require the mouse.

You should know the basic keyboard shortcuts for your operating system that will help you type, (e.g. Ctrl + Backspace to delete the entire word in Windows), there are others that can help, like selecting, copying, pasting, jumping, and more.

Also, your text editor will have a bounch of hotkeys that can boost your productivity from multicursor to finding and replacing, so consider learning them as well.

Ressources to learn

A free touch typing platfom.
Offers touch typing lessons and speed improvement exercises.
Provides free typing games to test and enhance your typing speed.

The most customizable typing test website with a minimal design and a ton of features


TypeRacer, allows people to race each-other by typing quotes from books, movies, and songs

Offers free online typing tests and engaging typing games for practice.

improve your typing speed and accuracy through interactive exercises and personalized lessons.

Z-Type is a typing shooter video game